Taylor Benefits is an independent group benefit and employee health insurance agent in Elk Grove that specializes in custom offerings designed around the needs of your business. We have extensive knowledge of all available plans in California and a working relationship with every major insurance provider in the state. Call us to learn more or get a FREE instant proposal through our online request form!
Here are some of the health insurance and group benefit plans that we help employers in Elk Grove provide to their employees:
Need help with any of the above services in Elk Grove? Call us today to learn how we can help simplify your group health benefits at an affordable price! FREE custom proposals are available to all customers who complete our online request form to the right!
Customization – Every company or employee group is different and has unique health insurance and benefit requirements. We work one-on-one with you to determine what works best and take a holistic approach to assessing your health and benefit needs: we look at company size, work culture, specific needs or requests and cross reference your employee profile with all the major insurance providers in the California to find the best and most affordable fit.
Monitoring – The benefit and group insurance needs of a business can evolve over time (as can the laws that regulate them). In order to stay tuned in to what’s best for your business and it employees, we conduct an annual policy review during the renewal period. This is done to make sure you’re on track to meet your coverage and financial goals, as well as stay compliant with updated changes in health care law.
Administration – You don’t have to worry about dedicating staff resources and time to managing your employee benefits and health insurance offerings. We provide all clients with a complimentary online HR tool that makes it simple to manage health benefits administration for an entire company.
Call us today at the number at the top of the page! We give FREE consultations and cost estimates over the phone or you can get a group health proposal in minutes by using our online request form! No payment or obligation required!
We’re ready to help! Call today: 800-903-6066